Customer Testimonials

Total Control Training

"I just had an awesome & humbling time at Lee's school in Anchorage, AK yesterday... I had a 2 hour ride back home and was able to put my new skills to the test. Not once did I have to correct myself in a turn. They were all nice and smooth. One thing that especially helped me was suspension set up. It was like I had a completely new bike to ride on the way home. Thanx again Lee and Earl!!!"

- Mike Paul

"Excellent program! I just completed a course and my skill increased exponentialy."

- Bob Hammaker

"With over 100,000 miles ridden on sport/sport touring bikes and being able to scrub my tires side to side, I wasn't sure what this class had to offer to me? Am I ever glad I took his class when offered here in Wisconsin!

With an 11 hour day packed full of information along with the riding time to implement/practice the information taught, it was well worth the cost. Lee and his instructors were able to help me take my riding knowledge to the next level allowing me to better my skills giving me many more opportunities to hone my skills giving me many more "options" while out on the road.

I would recommend this class to anyone looking to be a better/safer motorcyclist!"

- Steven Druckrey

"Want to learn how to really control your motorcycle? Look no further. Total Control has had the most effect on my riding.... EVER."

- Rick Haskins

"Absolutely loved this course! I can't wait to go through the intermediate and advanced courses!! Thanks for building my confidence as a rider and making me a safer motorcyclist!"

- Missy Abado

"A great school. I attended in 2011 when I bought my first bike a new 2010 R6 after being in Afghanistan. I learned a lot while going to this school as well as a few other schools. I improved skills much faster than if I would have learned on my own with such a powerful machine. These skills have saved me multiple times in the road."

- Tyson Bieker

"I was offered this school when I was stationed at Miramar. After 2 days of instruction I was a totally different rider! I would recommend the course to anyone, anywhere, anytime!!!"

- Jeremy Anderson

"It is an awesome class. I sometimes had issues when it came to cornering. After taking the class, I got more comfortable with leaning my bike over and how to better tact [sic] through curves and corners. The course helped improve my riding skills and I learned so much about myself as a rider after taking the course. I highly recommend taking the course as it will help improve riding skills on all levels of riding experience."

- Dawn Douglas